About the macro to display custom link cards using the MkDocs Macros Plugin
This section describes a macro to display custom link cards in Mkdocs.
Custom link cards can be added by including a macro in markdown with the following parameters
Macro name: link_card
Parameters |
Required |
Default |
Description |
url |
required |
None |
Linked URL |
title |
required |
None |
Card Title |
description |
optional |
blank text |
card description |
image_path |
optional |
default image |
image to display on card |
domain |
optional |
Default domain of the site |
Domain Display |
external |
optional |
False |
external link flag |
svg_path |
optional |
Automatic determination from URL |
Custom SVG icon path in format "user_id/gist_id/filename" (e.g., "7rikazhexde/d418315080179e7c1bd9a7a4366b81f6/github-cutom-icon.svg") |
Create a link card based on the css settings and the values specified in the parameters.
Examples of links within the site
How to specify minimum parameters
If image_path
is omitted, assets/img/site.png
will be displayed.
| {{ link_card(
url="Linked path (absolute path)",
title="page title",
) }}
| {{ link_card(
title="MkDocs Macros Utils Documentation",
) }}
Example of GitHub repository link
For links to GitHub repositories, the GitHub icon is automatically displayed by default.
If you want to display a custom SVG icon, specify the Gist path in the svg_path
How to specify a GitHub repository
| {{ link_card(
url="GitHub repository URL",
title="Page title",
description="Repository description",
) }}
| {{ link_card(
title="pyenv-win Installation Guide",
description="Git installation commands for pyenv-win",
) }}
pyenv-win Installation Guide
Git installation commands for pyenv-win
How to designate SVG as the icon for card links
About the SVG file to be used
- Create a gist in the following format (public release) and specify the
and filename.svg
in the link_card
parameter: svg_path
- In case of specific colors (fill="#333" (gray),fill="black" (black)), replace with class="svg-path" considering light mode and dark mode display, and change colors by CSS targeting class="svg-path".
| <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
<path fill="#2088ff" d="M26.666 0C11.97 0 0 11.97 0 26.666c0 12.87 9.181 23.651 21.334 26.13v37.87c0 11.77 9.68 21.334 21.332 21.334h.195c1.302 9.023 9.1 16 18.473 16C71.612 128 80 119.612 80 109.334s-8.388-18.668-18.666-18.668c-9.372 0-17.17 6.977-18.473 16h-.195c-8.737 0-16-7.152-16-16V63.779a18.514 18.514 0 0 0 13.24 5.555h2.955c1.303 9.023 9.1 16 18.473 16 9.372 0 17.169-6.977 18.47-16h11.057c1.303 9.023 9.1 16 18.473 16 10.278 0 18.666-8.39 18.666-18.668C128 56.388 119.612 48 109.334 48c-9.373 0-17.171 6.977-18.473 16H79.805c-1.301-9.023-9.098-16-18.471-16s-17.171 6.977-18.473 16h-2.955c-6.433 0-11.793-4.589-12.988-10.672 14.58-.136 26.416-12.05 26.416-26.662C53.334 11.97 41.362 0 26.666 0zm0 5.334A21.292 21.292 0 0 1 48 26.666 21.294 21.294 0 0 1 26.666 48 21.292 21.292 0 0 1 5.334 26.666 21.29 21.29 0 0 1 26.666 5.334zm-5.215 7.541C18.67 12.889 16 15.123 16 18.166v17.043c0 4.043 4.709 6.663 8.145 4.533l13.634-8.455c3.257-2.02 3.274-7.002.032-9.045l-13.635-8.59a5.024 5.024 0 0 0-2.725-.777zm-.117 5.291 13.635 8.588-13.635 8.455V18.166zm40 35.168a13.29 13.29 0 0 1 13.332 13.332A13.293 13.293 0 0 1 61.334 80 13.294 13.294 0 0 1 48 66.666a13.293 13.293 0 0 1 13.334-13.332zm48 0a13.29 13.29 0 0 1 13.332 13.332A13.293 13.293 0 0 1 109.334 80 13.294 13.294 0 0 1 96 66.666a13.293 13.293 0 0 1 13.334-13.332zm-42.568 6.951a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-1.887.78l-6.3 6.294-2.093-2.084a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-3.771.006 2.667 2.667 0 0 0 .008 3.772l3.974 3.96a2.667 2.667 0 0 0 3.766-.001l8.185-8.174a2.667 2.667 0 0 0 .002-3.772 2.667 2.667 0 0 0-1.884-.78zm48 0a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-1.887.78l-6.3 6.294-2.093-2.084a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-3.771.006 2.667 2.667 0 0 0 .008 3.772l3.974 3.96a2.667 2.667 0 0 0 3.766-.001l8.185-8.174a2.667 2.667 0 0 0 .002-3.772 2.667 2.667 0 0 0-1.884-.78zM61.334 96a13.293 13.293 0 0 1 13.332 13.334 13.29 13.29 0 0 1-13.332 13.332A13.293 13.293 0 0 1 48 109.334 13.294 13.294 0 0 1 61.334 96zM56 105.334c-2.193 0-4 1.807-4 4 0 2.195 1.808 4 4 4s4-1.805 4-4c0-2.193-1.807-4-4-4zm10.666 0c-2.193 0-4 1.807-4 4 0 2.195 1.808 4 4 4s4-1.805 4-4c0-2.193-1.807-4-4-4zM56 108c.75 0 1.334.585 1.334 1.334 0 .753-.583 1.332-1.334 1.332-.75 0-1.334-.58-1.334-1.332 0-.75.585-1.334 1.334-1.334zm10.666 0c.75 0 1.334.585 1.334 1.334 0 .753-.583 1.332-1.334 1.332-.75 0-1.332-.58-1.332-1.332 0-.75.583-1.334 1.332-1.334z"/><path fill="#79b8ff" d="M109.334 90.666c-9.383 0-17.188 6.993-18.477 16.031a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-.265-.011l-2.7.09a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-2.578 2.751 2.667 2.667 0 0 0 2.752 2.578l2.7-.087a2.667 2.667 0 0 0 .097-.006C92.17 121.029 99.965 128 109.334 128c10.278 0 18.666-8.388 18.666-18.666s-8.388-18.668-18.666-18.668zm0 5.334a13.293 13.293 0 0 1 13.332 13.334 13.29 13.29 0 0 1-13.332 13.332A13.293 13.293 0 0 1 96 109.334 13.294 13.294 0 0 1 109.334 96z"/>
| {{ link_card(
url="GitHub repository URL",
title="Page title",
description="Repository description",
) }}
| {{ link_card(
title="JSON to Variables Setter",
description="GitHub Action designed to parse a JSON file and set the resulting variables (such as operating systems, programming language versions, and GitHub Pages branch) as outputs in a GitHub Actions workflow.",
) }}
JSON to Variables Setter
GitHub Action designed to parse a JSON file and set the resulting variables (such as operating systems, programming language versions, and GitHub Pages branch) as outputs in a GitHub Actions workflow.
Example of a Hatena blog post
If the link is to a Hatena Blog post, the Hatena Blog logo will automatically be displayed.
How to specify a Hatena blog post
| {{ link_card(
url="Hatena blog post URL",
title="Page title",
description="Article description",
) }}
| {{ link_card(
title="Building a Python environment on Ubuntu on RaspberryPi using Pyenv and Poetry",
description="Explanation of how to build a Python environment using Pyenv and Poetry on Ubuntu on RaspberryPi.",
) }}
Building a Python environment on Ubuntu on RaspberryPi using Pyenv and Poetry
Explanation of how to build a Python environment using Pyenv and Poetry on Ubuntu on RaspberryPi.
Other Web site examples
For websites other than those listed above, icons are not displayed on card links by default.
How to specify other Web sites
| {{ link_card(
url="URL of the site",
title="page title",
description="page description",
) }}
| {{ link_card(
title="Introduction to Python from scratch",
description="A series of courses explaining the basics of Python programming",
) }}
Introduction to Python from scratch
A series of courses explaining the basics of Python programming